Wednesday, September 30, 2009


SO its been forever and I have had such a wonderful time! Right now I am in the wonderful Ouagadougou and enjoying Pizza and raviolli du crevettes YUMM!!!!! ( btw that was shrimp ravioli) but I have so much to much so that I dont know where to begin.
But let me tell you a little bit abou the beautiful Matiacoali. Thats the village in which I live located in the Gourma region of the East of Burkina! Its BEAUTIFUL! Imagine Fern gully with LOADED mango trees! Its really something beautiful to see. The other day I saw the bird from THE LION KING! I believe his name was Zazu! But its just green and lush and warm but not miserable! Also there are MONKEYS and LIONS! Wow...sounds like Im in Africa or something. Oh YEA I am! and I jokingly say that but in reality I do have to reality check myself from time to time to really remember where I am!
Also everyone here is really great! Talk about Southern hospitality... Its wonderful but Burkinabe hospitality is above and beyond! I hope I can post some pictures right now! I dont really feel like saying too much more now but this evening when Im really retrospective perhaps I will try again LOL.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

In ONLY a week from today...

ONLY a week from now...

I think everyday someone or some PEOPLE ask me "are you NERVOUS?" Always my answer is no not at all really! Because in all honesty I am not nervous about going to Africa. I'm a little concerned about getting schitzo worms or being bodily invaded my a mango fly, but leaving for Africa and living there, no that doesn't bring worry to my heart... Well at least it hadn't LOL. 
Allow me to explain.
I think it just hit me today that WHOA in Only a week from today, I'm REALLY going to be away from home and family and friends. And no I'm not worried about the away part. I think my concern lies in the memory part. You see I will hold on to the memories of people and I think people will remember me as I was before I left. But what about when I get back and I'm kind of different and they are kind of different too? What happens then? I mean of course we all go on with life but I really like my group of friends right now. They are as close as family!  And I especially have concern for my BEST FRIEND! WHat is she doesn't want to be best friends anymore when I get back???? OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! AND WHAT IF AL MY FRIEND?SISTERS ARE GONE?????????? WHAT IF EVERYONE IS MARRIED????? WHAT IF CALIFORNIA SEPARATES FROM THE STATES????  WHAT IF MY PRESIDENT IS BLACK????? Oh... hold on he already is! Big ups to BARACK OBAMA!!!! LOL . But honestly I think these nerves are normal for where I am now and where I am about to go.
Ok so the reality is, I'm quite glad to have this blog to vent the things that are caught up in my mind LOL. I know everyone will change and that a good thing really. Change is necessary and inevitable. NOw that I have gotten that small rant of nerves out let me tell you how excited I am about this journey!
I am so thrilled to See what happens when I hold on to my dreams! When I came to the wonderful AGGIE LAND ( AGGIE PRIDE) I learned so much about myself and my people and how we are all so different and just a multitude of things! I am so glad I attended North Carolina AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL STATE UNIVERSITY! Its really changed my life in a beautiful way. And now I have the honor of being able to find out more about people of my color. NOW yes they are my color but I am so ready to go beyond skin deep issues. I am so excited to work with the girls in the GEE sector and meet all the volunteers. Even if I only REALLY inspire one girl I feel like this is not in vain. But honestly I'd really like to inspire many more! 
EVERY TIME I just stop and think about the fact that I am actually living my dreams a part of me cant believe it while the other part of me is like I knew you could do it! Its beautiful to me that dreams really can come true if you do your part! Its like Dreams are the inspiration but its up to you to bring it to fruition. And that's what I am doing! So from now on I plan on  REALLY living out my dreams! (the good ones LOL). SO I guess now the nerves are gone. But the jitters are another story LOL . At least they are jitters of happiness and excitement and giddiness beyond belief!
So for now I will sit and soak up some last minute AC and study some more FRENCH (40 hours due soon) and get ready for ONE of the adventures of my life! Because this isn't the end its only the beginning!
P.S. EVERYONE! STOP ACTING LIKE I'M NOT EVER COMING BACK! I WILL ! I'm only going to be gone about 2.5 years! So you WILL see me again. Like I said...this is only the beginning. I haven't even met my husband or had any babies yet... There's so much more to GO LOL! I SHALL RETURN!!!!!!
Ciao Baby!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Don't Worry. Be HAPPY!

Ok so basically I am thrilled to have a BLOG SITE!!!!! This is by all means my main way of keeping in touch from here on ...well over the next 2.5 years :o).  In just 12 days I will be headed out into an ADVENTURE unlike any other, to my knowledge, I have experienced in my life. And here I go again procrastinating to put up this blog. But I think my procrastination works in perfect time usually LOL.  ANYHOOOOooo....
       I will soon be a Peace Corps "trainee" soon to be a Peace Corps VOLUNTEER in Burkina Faso WEST AFRICA! I am more than excited. Usually giddy beyond comprehension with a visually cool, calm and collected sense of swag is what you will see when you look at me. Don't get me wrong Im not calling myself "SWAGGALIFIC" just pointing out that when you see me although you do not see the confetti bursting from my ears on the outside, I assure you there's a full on Diddy party happening, with Cristal and Ciroc spilling over fancy glassware! I will be a volunteer in the GEE sector (GEE = Girls Empowerment and Education). Being a girl scout for 16 years ...well lets just say I think it may help!
    If  you are anything like myself when I first started this ADVENTURE you may have only heard the name Burkina Faso in your life one or two times so let me share with you a few things about this wonderful country!
   BURKINA FASO is a landlocked country bordered by 6 other countries including Niger , Ghana , Cote d’Ivoire , Benin , Togo and Mali . The people of Burkina are called Burkinabe’ (pronounced Ber-kee-Nuh-BAY). It’s a francophone country meaning the language is French, but the majority of the people do not speak French that live here. Burkina Faso ’s government is an Independent Republic and their current president is Blaise Campaore. What struck something dear to my heart was the literacy rate of women in this country which isn’t even 10%. That was indeed a startling fact for me and something I want to be a part of increasing. This is partially due to the very conservative country that is there. The men go to school and work while the women stay home and have, and care for the children. There are 2 seasons in Burkina one being dry and hot the other being rainy and humid and hot (haha). (One of my friends who just returned from there like 4 months ago said it sometimes gets so hot that you can just be sitting down and when you get up there’s a puddle under you! INTENSE). The life expectancy of the Burkinabe is not even 50 years of age and over 50% of the population is under 15 years old. Many of the people are plagued with issues due to water born illness and malaria and the 2% HIV and Aids population that is growing. Burkina Faso is among the 10 poorest countries in the WORLD, but very RICH in spirit. “ Burkina Faso ” translated means “Land of the Upright people” and I am quite anxious to meet and greet and live among the Burkinabe.
I’m not on a mission to save the world… let me make that very clear haha! I am going based on a few things in my life. ONE of my life goals is to be a Traveling Journalist. I have always wanted to go to MANY countries and do more than visit! I want to live among the people, eat what they eat, know their experiences and share this understanding with as many people as I can whether it be by word or mouth or written articles. I also want to Travel Travel Travel as much as I can! I don’t believe (at least for me) one can have a real appreciation for their own blessing of life until they know some of the struggles of others. And even more than knowing, do something to change that for the better. Learning is also my goal in doing this. I know I am going to help the girls of Burkina but I intend on absorbing so many things from them. I want it to be a give and receive type of situation. And lastly (perhaps this should have been first) I am going to Burkina Faso because I am supposed to be there. I have never had so much clarity in my life! Its EXCITING! God really wants me in this place at this time. I started on this project a year ago and its just AMAZING all the experiences God has bought into my life leading me to Burkina since then. I know I am supposed to be there so much its unnerving at times. Unnerving but welcomed. I truly believe in the power of prayer and I have prayed and continue to pray about all of this and I pray that you pray for me too! And yea I do just really like helping people too.

I don’t believe everything in our lives as people will be clear but something are inevitable. I feel like even if not with the Peace Corps I would be in Burkina Faso somehow in June. But I’m glad to do it under this organization. PLEASE I encourage you to visit the Website at and to also google Burkina Faso !

Now TRUST ME…There will be times when I am miserable, just ABSOLUTELY miserable and may write you all saying things like that. I may even get there and feel like what in the world did I do this for?! But there will also be moments (and hopefully weeks) of pure happiness and understanding of why I am supposed to be there. I think both are completely natural. ESPECIALLY since I do not speak French well or a tribal dialect! But in time I will! Like a pro!

SO I hope this helps to clarify what's going on in my life right now. Oh and I will already ask in advance that you excuse the spelling/grammatical errors. there will be plenty! Especially since I am writing in the moment...(and am not a fan of proofreading LOL).Thats all for now!


You only live once so Don't Worry! Be and completely live so that your are happy! 

(Thanks MOM)